Thursday, January 21, 2016

Vitamin Count

Today I must have counted to 500 this morning before I felt ready to speak with my teenage son. It's not that his sin was so grievous--and I knew it. I just found myself in the midst of the perfect storm of a situation, painted exactly to bring up my most furious self without warning. 

And so, following the guidance of many wise experts in this field, I counted my anger slowly away. It didn't dissipate entirely, of course. In fact, it didn't even subside for quite a while. Waves of frustration lit up my mind, printing a hot, sudden headache and a familiar construction in my upper throat.

Eventually, though, about twenty minutes later,  I'd relaxed enough to stop counting and managed to express my concerns I a calm manner. 

The difference in our exchange was astounding. True, I still had to deliver bad news. And I still I stayed my anger (and its reasons) out loud. But it happened is in such a controlled manner that my so 's Inner Miniature Hulk never emerged -- nor did mine!

I'll take my miracles where I can these days, thank you very much. And I'll keep on counting whenever I can. My moments until manageable frustration, my years left of presiding over piano and grades, and yes, even my innumerable blessings--including the precious teen by my side.

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