Tuesday, October 16, 2012

the presidential
debate drones, and my hot cup
of tea fades to warm.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Vitamin short

New idea people. I am not finding or creating much space for this sort of things so we will go with Haiku for awhile see if that's more manageable. I accomplish so very little beyond homeschooling that my creative juices rarely simmer, much less boil to the surface. But I am content. Maybe Nathan's a better vitamin title for this page. Vitamin Content. Because I am... In it all. Life is short and it's okay for me to spend this season of it serving so intensely...there's eternity, after all, in which I will someday bask. Just praying for balance to make sure I am not burning out in the mean time... And now, the Haiku...

It's good, when I'm sick,
And comforting, too, to eat
Some Dubliner cheese.