Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vitamin Cuttlefish

I've never thought of sea creatures as "cute," much less "cuddly," but that's just the adjectives the cuttlefish brought to my mind the other day. I'd never seen one of these puppy-faced fish, but the aquarium in Sea World boasts a loveable little collection. The children and I stood and stared at them, marveling at their friendly appearance, and then I read their information sheet.

Cuttlefish are remarkable because they can change the texture and color of their skin when they sense danger. If the threat persists, they release a cloud of ink to confuse their predator.

Wow, I thought. Not only are they cute, but clever, too. I spent the rest of the day imagining myself as a a cuttlefish, able to dimple my skin and change its hue at the drop of a ... a ... fishhook. What a marvelous skill!

But then I grew concerned. To exhibit this trait in my real, on-shore existence would mean blending in with the crowd and the culture in order to avoid any conflict. And as a Christian, I know that being 'of the world' is the last thing I should aim for, even to avoid persecution.

But what if my backdrop were changed? What if, when threatened, I were able to become more like Christ ... so that my life was 'hid in Him' and my Enemy were unable to find me? Now that's a defense strategy I can aim for! Those sweet little fish have a lesson for me after all.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Vitamin Sole

It's amazing the pounding our feet take in a day. And especially, for our family, these days. We're visiting San Diego, and each day the kids and I seem to trek miles across concrete, following little paths that never look like they do in amusement park maps. Why is that, anyway?

In all this wandering, I've watched my kids' feet go from pink and puffy to achy and raw as their shoes find their weak spots; but I've pretty much ignored my own set of soles entirely. That's because they feel great! I have delectable, if geriatric, pair of Chacos that have seen me through travels both foreign and domestic ... and have themselves been resoled once already. My arches have not ached, my instep is intact, and my toes are feeling terrific in this lovely choice in footwear.

Isn't it wonderful how we don't think about the parts of us that are working properly - the articles of clothing (or shoes) that we own that do their job well? I'm so grateful for that - grateful for the little thing, today, that is a pair of nicely-formed shoes. The Bible mentions that shoes of the "good news of peace" will help us stand strong, and I can see why. Without a trustworthy foundation, every step is an agony of distress! How many times a day do I find myself distressed in spirit over things that could be laid to rest if I truly put on those good news shoes? It's not called the good news of peace for nothing! -- And I have determined to set my wll to remembering (and wearing) that peace every step of my day. No, it may not make the lines at Sea World any shorter, but it sure will keep my fuse from shortening while I wait! And that's good news for everyone ... not just me!