Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vitamin Treasure

It's just a simple child's toy. It beeps, has a little light that flashes, and can be broken into two parts. It's a treasure chest, given to my children by their beloved Aunt Selah, and when someone separates its two parts and hides one of them, the other half will beep at different pitches to tell the seeker how close the hidden treasure may be.

It's just a simple child's toy, but my children adore it. They must have enjoyed playing with it today, because now, after the lights are off and we're all winding down, I hear a persistend BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. - every thirty seconds or so. The chest is hidden somewhere, waiting to be reconnected with its other half. Where is the treasure? It asks repeatedly, as I scurry around putting the finishing touches on this finishing-touch of a day. Where is the treasure?

The strange thing is, the beeping - and the question - really don't bother me this evening. In fact, they seem absolutely appropriate. You see ... we've spent the past several weeks discovering the answer to that very question. Tonight marks our last night in this yellow brick house near the trees, and we've said good-bye to so many people, so many times that our heads are still spinning. We've been inundated with help, love, gifts, and companionship. The endless list of 'to do's' has been completed not just by us, but by a radiant team of individuals, all eager to offer their services. Here are a few of their feats:

Under-sink plumbing in the bathroom ... miraculously fixed by Daniel.

A whole truckload of trash ... hauled off by Damon.

Electrical issues ... solved by Dave.

Children ... watched, fed, loved, hugged, and protected by Melanie.

Ugly yellow bathroom ... spruced up by a mystery guest - was it Katie?

Care-worn kids' bathroom ... polished and preened by Junelle.

Youngest daughter ... outfitted with love by Katie, Melanie, Karen, and Kitti.

Going-away goodies ... lavished upon us by everyone mentioned above, and by Niqi.

Whole days of car/yard/pool help ... offered up cheerfully by Daniel.

Movers ... taken well in hand by Melanie, sometime next week.

Meals ... cooked as if by magic by Katie.

And the list could march on all night! We are overwhelmed with the generosity, the goodness, of these friends who have cherished us over these years. We remember the myriads of things we have shared. Board games. Hand-me-downs. Movie nights, spice drawer notes, song-writing, and swimming. Prayers without number. Lunches at the park, zoo, foothills, mountains, and McDonalds. Road trips. Camping trips, rock climbing adventures, tennis, and long walks. Belly laughts and gut-wrenching sobs.

We've scattered pieces of our hearts so far and wide that it's as futile to try and collect them as to basket all the fallen confetti-leaves of this season. They're everywhere! As I fold our family's socks for the last time in this home, I realize that many of the pairs I'm folding were probably left here by guests and have been assimilated into our supply. This, too, speaks of friendship: Not only have we shared of ourselves with these people - they have enmeshed their personalities into our lives as well.

And we're so grateful! As the echoes of the last prayer, the last well wish, the last shouted "GOOD BYE!" ... the last ... everything ... fade into the silence of this night ... we remember. And the BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. of my children's treasure box asks me again. Where is the treasure? Where could it be?

I smile at the question, because tonight, I already know how to answer. You could ask me a thousand times and my response would still remain. The treasure - our friends - lies buried within my family's hearts. It will remain there always, growing with time as we learn more and more reasons to hold these people dear. Who would have thought, in a place we never fully expected to call home, we'd catch such a beautiful glimpse of how the fellowship in Heaven, our true Home, will feel?
Until then ... until we all come Home ... farewell, dear ones. We love and miss you already. Thank you each and all for sharing your lives, your love, your gifts, and your socks with this blessed family. You are truly, always, our treasure. We love you ... we praise God for you ... and good night.