Warmth! I adore you! Sweet light. Give me joy.
Drawn to this bewitching delight, I sink down in its checkered comfort with a sigh. At once, warmth washes over my extremities, flooding me with a sense of well-being I've lacked since the desolate days of winter began. I bask like a lizard, all duties forgotten in these first ecstatic moments of spring sun. I am a worshiper undone, thanking my King for this precious window of light.
And yet ... He grants me these windows every day. Love. Friendship. Food. Shelter. The smile of one of my kids. Without seeming to show special favors, He most certainly does.Those things that draw me to Him litter my path like wildflowers, and I pick them all with abandon, with pure joy. God, help me to bask, help me to worship, with each precious gift that You give.
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